Metatranscriptomics provides an in-depth perspective on the resistance and detoxification of anammox bacteria to dissolved oxygen in a pilot CANON process
Huaihao Xu, Xiaojun Wang*, Mingyuan Wang, Junbin Wu, Bo Zhang, Jinsong Wang, Qiuting Zhang, Bingrong Lin, Shaohua Chen
In the completely autotrophic nitrogen removal over nitrite (CANON) process, the conflicting oxygen requirements of anammox and ammonium-oxidizing bacteria often lead to retardation in anammox activity. However, our study achieved stable nitrogen removal with a maximum capacity of 1096 g-N/m3/d in a 20 m3?CANON reactor under long-term intensive aeration. The anammox bacteria unusually distributed in the outer layer of the biofilm and demonstrated remarkable oxygen tolerance. Their activity only declined by 18.5 % under 2.0 mg/L of dissolved oxygen. When anammox bacteria encountered oxygen exposure, they adopted some strategies. Metatranscriptomics revealed that?Candidatus Kuenenia, the dominant anammox species in our system, downregulated its gene expressions involved in carbon metabolism and oxidative phosphorylation. This may reduce electron leakage that combines with O2, thereby minimizing the generation of reactive oxygen species (ROS). By contrast, the secretion of extracellular proteins and conversion of O2·??were upregulated to eliminate ROS promptly. This behavior endowed?Ca. Kuenenia?with a unique oxygen detoxification pathway: O2·??were initially converted to H2O2?by superoxide dismutase?SOD2?and superoxide reductase?dfx?(major role), followed by reduction to H2O via non-heme chloroperoxidase?cpo?(a newly recognized mechanism in the oxygen detoxification of anammox) and catalase?katE. These results expanded the current knowledge of anammox alleviating oxidative stress.

Key words:DO tolerance of anammox; Candidatus Kuenenia; specific anammox activity; metabolic regulation; oxygen detoxification
Journal:Water Research